Sys Admins

Operations Meetings

T1 sites are invited to report about relevant matters at the weekly Operations meetings, which usually take place on Mondays at 15h00 CE(S)T. They are short meetings (max 30min) where experiments, T1s and central services report about ongoing operational matters.

Operations Coordination Meeting

T1 and T2 sites are invited to raise any issue they are concerned about at the monthly Operations Coordination meeting that usually takes place the 1st Thursday of the month from 15h30 to 17h CE(S)T. There is a section on the agenda for this. You can also write to wlcg-ops-coord-chairpeople in advance to make sure a specific slot is scheduled in the agenda. Short and medium term plans of the experiments affecting sites are reported. TFs and WGs also report about their progress and there may be specific presentations covering a particular topics that need discussion at operations level.


WLCG Middleware Baseline

The WLCG Middleware Baseline lists the minimum recommended versions of middleware services that should be installed by WLCG sites to be part of the production infrastructure. It does not necessarily reflect the latest versions of packages available in the UMD, OSG or EPEL repositories. It contains the latest version fixing significant bugs or introducing important features. Versions newer than those indicated are assumed to be at least as good, unless otherwise indicated. In other words: if you have a version older than the baseline, you should upgrade at least to the baseline. For more details, please check the list of versions in the following link:

That page also contains a list of (major) known issues affecting WLCG middleware.

Service Documentation

Retired middleware

User and site support

The WLCG ticketing system of choice is GGUS. Features include:

  • There is a persistent web link that can be quoted
  • All Grid supporters have access to the ticket and can comment, re-assign, solve it
  • Ticket updates generate automatic email notifications to anyone mentioned in or subscribed to the ticket.
  • Tickets can be escalated to attract the attention of support units
  • GGUS is interfaced to other ticketing systems used in the WLCG community
  • It is possible to open a ticket on behalf of a 3rd party
  • TEAMers of the same VO co-own a ticket
  • Authorised ALARMers get immediate attention from T0/T1 operators by opening ALARM tickets for incident categories covered by the WLCG Memorandum of Understanding.

GGUS features' reminders, searching and reporting tools, including some specially tailored to sites, release notes and full documentation is available from the GGUS homepage. Users/supporters must be registered to enjoy the full functionality of GGUS.

System administrators and middleware deployers often exchange expert opinions in the LCG-ROLLOUT@JISCMAIL.AC.UK , a moderated mailing list with a nice web interface & archive.